Pensacola Beach Congestion Management Plan

Mission Statement

The Transportation and Traffic Operations includes four technical sections: Transportation, Traffic Operations, Design, and Survey.  TTO also provides oversight for ECAT (fixed route service) and ECCT (paratransit service). The Transportation section coordinates the programming of many transportation related roadway improvements, such as new road construction, shoulder widening, sidewalks, bike lanes, capacity enhancements, traffic calming devices, roadway striping and re-striping, and ADA enhancements. The Traffic Operations section provides the management, installation and maintenance of all signals and traffic control devices, performs traffic studies and analyses, as well as efforts to implement a new Intelligent Transportation System. TTO also offers an in-house design team to handle all design aspects of projects funded through the Local Options Sales Tax. The design team provides in-house design services to all departments within the county. The Survey section provides survey services to internal clients and reviews externally completed surveys and subdivision plats for compliance with Florida Law. 

FY 2015-2016 Accomplishments

  • Upgrade the county’s signalization system through ongoing implementation of Intelligent Transportation System and Advanced Traffic Management System concepts and designs.
  • Installed 30 new full shelters and 61 pads/benches at various locations and refurbished 10 existing amenities in the county and city rights-of-ways. Staff also continued to work on retro-fitting older shelters with solar light kits for illumination and safety purposes, along with, solar recharging USB stations for electronic devices for our citizens throughout the Escambia County transit system.
  • The in-house design team completed 12 projects. This allowed the county to put more money toward construction rather than utilizing contracted design services. 
  • Survey group completed 204 surveys for various departments within the county.  These projects consisted of boundary, topographic and bathymetric surveys; right-of-way and boundary staking,legal descriptions and sketches for real estate acquisition,  maintenance claim maps, and preliminary and final subdivision plat review
  • TTO funded the design of 5.5 miles of sidewalks and constructed 1.5 miles of sidewalks throughout the county.
  • TTO budgeted $400,000 for traffic calming/neighborhood enhancement projects which also included ADA upgrades curb cuts and bus benches. These projects included the installation of traffic calming devices like speed bumps, roadway signage, pavement markings, etc.
  • DRC/Access Management staff assisted with the evaluation of 120 pre-applications, 160 initial applications, and 149 final applications totaling 429 DRC reviews (average of 8.25 reviews per week).
  • TTO has secured millions of federal and state grant dollars to offset the burden on the local tax base for many projects/programs. Some of those secured included Federal Transit Agency grants, Federal Highway Administration Eastern Federal Lands Access Program grants, County Incentive Program Grants, Economic Development Trust Fund grants, Shared-Use Non-motorized Trail Program, etc.


Miles of sidewalk design funded


DRC reviews that staff evaluations facilitated


Dollars budgeted for traffic calming and neighborhood enhancement projects