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Mission Statement

The Escambia County Office of Management and Budget Services is responsible for all aspects of the budgetary accounting system, including budget preparation, expenditure and revenue forecasting, monitoring and reporting. The office supports the policy and program initiatives of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and county administrator by providing professional municipal finance and budget analysis assistance to functions under the board. The office provides assistance to all county departments so that those departments can perform their tasks and services in an effective and efficient manner to better serve the citizens of Escambia County.

Fiscal Year 2018-19 Budget Information

FY 2017-2018 Accomplishments

  • Adopted and executed the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget in the amount of $456 million per F.S. Chapter 129. 
  • Developed and adopted through administration and board action the FY 2018-19 budget in the amount of $477 million per F.S. Chapter 129. This budget is our best effort to provide the services and quality of life our citizens have come to expect.
  • Coordinated with administration, Human Resources and the Clerk of Court to bring Mass Transit in-house and operationally add a new county department.
  • Millage rates remained the same for FY 2018-19 at the FY 2017-18 level of 6.617 county-wide, .685 Law Enforcement MSTU and .359 for the Library MSTU.
  • The FY 2017-18 budget is in compliance with the Truth in Millage, or TRIM, certification for Escambia County per F.S. 200.065. By remaining in compliance, no penalties are levied upon Escambia County government by the state of Florida, and it keeps our board adopted millage rates at the amounts presented to the public. 
  • Zero TRIM violations for FY 2017-18.
  • The Office of Management and Budget received the Distinguished Budget Presentation award for the FY 2017-18 budget from the Government Finance Officers Association.
  • Processed 234 budget amendments totaling roughly $353 million in funding.
  • Administered the Municipal Services Benefit Units program, over 204 Special Districts/MSBUs totaling roughly $1.231 million annually and first-year levies of six new MSBUs for street lighting, holding pond maintenance and construction improvements. 
  • Successfully adopted the MSBU Assessment Roll as part of the adopted county budget.
  • As part of the new jail facility transition, managed the McDonald Shopping Center leases for eight tenants, with collections of rent totaling $160,928. 
  • Managed the sale of surplus furniture, recyclables and surplus real property/land sales totaling $244,782.
  • Performed 30 site inspections on escheated/foreclosed county properties and reviewed 232 county held tax certificates before application for tax deed.



Dollars in budget amendments processed


Amount of the adopted budget for FY 2018-19


Number of years the budget has received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award